Introducing Detroit Fire! This miniature red male is amazing in structure and temperament. He has the long legs and beautiful almond-shaped eyes. His temperament is one where he LOVES to be by his people. He is ready for adventure whether it is a hike or simply watching what we are doing. He gets along with everyone--including our cat. We couldn't ask for a nicer poodle.
Registration: AKC Color: Red; carries phantom at/at Kb/ky DOB: April 23, 2021 Size: miniature Height: 16" Weight: 16 lbs PennHIP: DI: 0.37; Osteoarthritis: none; Cavitation: none OFA Elbow Preliminary Report: Normal OFA Patella Normal PO-PA8682/12M/P-NCPI OFA Thyroid Normal MSU Lab Test OFA Cardiac Normal PO-BCA2472/12M/P-NOPI Genetically clear for the following:
OFA Hips Preliminary Report: Good OFA Elbow Preliminary Report: Normal OFA Patella Normal Preliminary Report OFA Thyroid Normal MSU Lab Test OFA Cardiac Normal
Introducing Leland who is famously named for the beautiful city Leland and the Leelanau County in Michigan. He has impeccable structure, clear genetics, and a winning personality. Leland is such a loyal poodle; he thrives best when he is with his humans. Poodles in general love to be by their people, so much so, that I tell people poodles aren't runners. They don't want to leave the yard because that also means leaving their person. That's unthinkable to a poodle.
Majestic Mackinac is a beautiful brown phantom boy. He's a spunky character. Alert. Swims. The first time we thought he was big enough to go back by our pond he swam across it. It's not a small pond; I was astounded. He still goes to the pond every chance he gets for a swim. And oh, his nose! He sniffed out a bunny nest that was on the side of our big sled hill. I got there to intervene while he stood still with one squirming in his mouth--it wasn't injured. He was just holding it. Mama bunny moved her nest that night!
Registration: AKC Color: Brown Phantom; caries parti DOB: January 23, 2024 Size: Moyen Height: 19" Weight: 26 lbs